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Thursday, March 24, 2011

nuNGGu saaD pRatiKum Gag jeLaSss

pengen cerita tentang lope2 dah!!
ehm mulai dari mana y!!
dari dulu akuw gag ngerti apa artiny cinta ato bahasa gaulny LUP, pkokny kalau akuw ngerasa suka y agak identik lah dengan cinta,,
bulsyit lah klo ada yang bilang cman gara2 cinta duank dy mao nrima cow ituw, mao di kasih makan dengan cinta duank??? akhhhhh tidakkkkkkk
akhir2ne gag tao kenapa akuw kangen beud pas dy gag sms, padahal y gag pacaran n gag da hubungan ap2! pie dy perhatian beud, tiap hari sms tnya kabar lah bercanda-canda.. uwhhh emank c dy pernah nyatain cintany k akuw tapi....... akuw binggung ma perasaankuw ndiri! ada ketakutan yang besar bila akuw pacaran ma dy salah satuny masalah orang d sekitar rumah (pasti bakalan seperti pacaran ma cow kuw yang dulu, yang harus sembunyi-sembunyi n penuh siksa batin karena ituw)!!
kamuw gag nganteng, gag juga kaya pie kamuw punya daya tarik tersendiri! kamuw bisa membuatkuw bahagia ketika kmuw mengajak akuw melihat hal2 yang menantang! tapi akuw gag suka ma kmuw saat kmuw merokok, apa MEROKOK ITUW BAIK UNTUK KESEHATAN??!!!
apa yang harus kuw jawab saat ketemuw ma kmuw???


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ghe Jhe2an d kampus

uda lama juga gag buka' blogger, pie alhamdulillah lah masih bisa d buka.. :D

mao crita apa y!!
hmmm binggung jadinya (idup kuq d buad binggung ae tri'), hari ini c gag ngapa2en cman kuliah duank n bis ne ada TA eh malah gag blajar padahal kan buku TAnya ada d akuw (hahaa maap y rek!)
enagny ntar ngajuin jurnal pa gag y???(takud ndrian) ne' gag d ajuin2in kapan slesainy?? kapan akuw bs nyantai?? kapan akuw gag slalu d penihi rasa grego stiap mao ktemuw ma mas ny?? serba ribed dh!! gara2 mas yg satu ituw akuw jadi gag karuan...
ngomong2 tentang mas yang satu ituw sebut saja Mr A, uwh jadi grogi ne kalo mao ngomongin Mr A. napa juga bisa se histeris ini. Mr A tuw gag ganteng, gag baek, pie aurany tuw uwhhhh (hahaa so'2an ngomong aura, pie bukan aura kasih lh!!) + dy juga pinter kuq!! meskipun baru2 ne aja dy tao namakuw n agak baek ma akuw pie gag pa2lah (so far so good)!!
kata2 ituw yang kuw ingat ketika awal melihat sosok wajahny yang menakutkan dengan wajah yang tegang rambut panjang yang tidak tersusun rapi pie begitu ehmm ta' bisa d ungkapkan dengan kata2!! smwa gag suka pie akuw tetep suka !! hassshhhhh akuw begitu t'gila2...
gag pernah sama sekali dy manggil akuw n menyebut namakuw karena akuw bukanlah "orang ituw2 aj". pie gag pa2lah meskipun akuw slalu kelewat batas ketika melihat wajahny..


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ways for Minimizing Birth Rate

Large population can be seen as a potential of employment and prospective market can be used as a pillar of economic growth in the country. Various economic literature and growth economic indicate population growth is an important factor driving economic growth. Development countries tried to increase the population growth to sustainable economic growth by providing various incentives to make people want to get married and produce many children. But different occur condition in developing countries where the government tried hard lower birth rate. Large rather than a blessing for development, but the burden, because the government should provide employment, health, education, and other public service.
Minimizing birth rate can be done for KB programs. But there needs to be additional programs to complement KB programs. One way to curb the birth rate is to lower infant mortality. To reduce the infant mortality rate, there is no other way beside improving maternal health service to mother and child, improving nutrition of mothers and children, and expand public access to health facilities. It is believed, although the average education of mother in Indonesia is still low, they behave like rational economic agents. The second strategy is to expand opportunities for women working in the formal sector. The expansion of employment opportunities in the formal sector will increase the opportunity cost for women so they will directly reduce the production of children. The third strategy is the improvement and expansion of educational opportunities for women. Increase education means shortening the productive age women to produce children, increase the rationality of women and expand opportunities for women working in the formal sector. Last strategy is social security old age. One reason for parents to have children is that in the old days there was a caring and contributing financially. If this function can be taken over by the state social insurance program old days, will reduce anxiety and provide certainty to the relevant parents in old age life. As such, they voluntarily reduce the amount of children production.
Minimizing birth rate with KB programs must be adjusted with the times and socioeconomic conditions of society. If the factors can be resolved, the public believed would reduce the number of children in the family. And it can increase society safety.
